- Core Technology
- Power line communication ZigBee communication 433/868/915MHz communication Bluetooth 4.0 communication SCADA technique WEB service technology Communication acquisition service technology HTML5 user graphics technology 3D virtual reality interaction technique
- Platform System
- Outdoor hardware terminal
- Indoor modules and devices
- WEB service technology
Our company has rich experience in WEB service development, and has developed a set of mature WEB service development framework, which contains single sign-on, authority management, UI frame and workflow management.
This development framework is on the basic of J2EE framework, and uses the advanced technology of JAVA, such as Maven, myibatis, and other frames. AresJ is the independent secondary development platform which is formed combining with the characteristics of our business. We have taken advantage of AresJ to R&D some application system, such as the intelligence residential district management platform of State Grid Corporation of China, the outdoor lighting control system of municipal administration, the integrated management system of municipal administration, the pump room management system of municipal tunnel drainage, and so on.